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Delegation from the University of Liverpool Visits XJTU

August 13, 2010
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On the morning of August 13, Professor Steve Holloway, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Professor Stephen Flint, Dean of the Science and Engineering Faculties of the University of Liverpool, U.K., visited XJTU. Vice President CHENG Guangxu met with the visiting guest in the Science Hall.

At the meeting, the two parties discussed the details of the current double-degree program for doctoral candidates, undergraduate student exchanges and internships for students of the University of Liverpool School of Medicine. The heads of each school and department in attendance had an opportunity to exchange ideas with Vice-Chancellor Holloway on the exchange program of undergraduates and to finalize some concrete details. Vice President CHENG and Pro-Vice Chancellor Holloway also discussed the matter of selecting the teachers of XJTU to study in Liverpool University.

Present at the meeting were: the director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, LIANG Li, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, HE Maogang, Associate Dean of the School of Medicine, ZANG Weijin, Professor ZHANG Chunmin of the School of Science, Associate Professor LU Fang of the School of Life Science and CHAO Qiuling, Deputy Director of the Confucius Institute of Liverpool University.