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XJTU gained the second award on Third AAM Collegiate Technology Competition

June 01, 2015
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On May 21, 2015, the Third AAM Collegiate Technology Competition, which was organized by AAM Asian Office and R&D Center, was held at AAM Global Financial Center at Shanghai. The language of the completion is English, including the presentation and defense sessions. The referees included AAM Global Products Research and Development President Philip Guys, Technical Director for Asian Products and Gear Technologies David Morse, Asian Office HR Officer Queen Ding and three professional specialists. The XJTU participating team comprised Yang Xuesong and Zhong Wei from School of Mechanical Engineering. The team was led by Zhang Qi, Chair of Vehicle Engineering. Their innovation proposal An Environmentally Friendly Boat gained the second award.


The competition gathered 8 participating teams from XJTU, Beijing Institute of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tongji University, Chongqing University, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology. After the competition, the participants visited AAM Asian Office and R&D Center and its Changshu Plant in Suzhou. The competition is instrumental to enhancement of students' innovative and practical capabilities as well as XJTU partnership with industries.