Welcome to Xi'an Jiaotong University!

Teacher's Teaching Development Center (TTDC)

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Established in July 2011, the Teacher's Teaching Development Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is an independent functioning unit under the direct leadership of the university. In 2012, it was consecutively awarded the title of model center for teacher's teaching development at the provincial level (Shaanxi Province) and the title of model center at the national level. In 2015, it initiated and headed the academic organization of "League of Centers for Teachers’ Professional Development of Universities in Northwestern China".

The functions of the center consist of pedagogical training, teaching research, evaluation and consultation, and demonstration and dissemination. The main work scope of the center includes: conducting teacher training activities to improve teachers' teaching ability; organizing teaching reform researches to solve complicated teaching problems; holding teaching seminars and teaching competitions to create a cultural environment conducive to the development of teaching; engaging in teaching evaluation and consultation to assist and guide teachers' growth; and building intercollegiate exchange platforms to play the roles of dissemination and demonstration.

The "Five-stage Progressive System" for the cultivation of teacher's teaching competence created by our center was selected as an excellent case of teaching reform in colleges and universities by the Higher Education Association of China in 2017. In 2018, the system was awarded the honor of National Higher Education Teaching Achievement (Second Class).

Website: http://jfzx.xjtu.edu.cn/



Email: jfzx@xjtu.edu.cn

Address: Room 2125, Center Building 1