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XJTU tops the list of "Double Hundred Programs" initiative

September 17, 2021
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A screenshot of specific courses from Xi'an Jiaotong University on the final list of the "Double Hundred Programs" initiative

Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) has ranked first among domestic universities in the number of its courses listed in the "Double Hundred Programs" initiative.

The Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Innovation Alliance (VSETIA) announced the result in a recent statement.

Under the guidance of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, the VSETIA was jointly founded by a number of universities, public institutes, private organizations and experts at a conference held at Tsinghua University in Beijing on January 27, 2019.

The implementation of the "Double Hundred Programs" initiative was designed to fully leverage the exemplary and leading role of the construction and application of experimental teaching courses, promote student-oriented teaching concepts, and explore in-depth integration between advanced technologies and curricular activities.

A total of 68 courses, including two from XJTU, were selected as fine and innovative experimental teaching programs in the initiative. Meanwhile, XJTU contributed ten courses to the final list of 96 experimental teaching application and demonstration programs.

In addition, 22 courses from XJTU entered the Shaanxi Provincial List of First-class Virtual and Simulation Experimental Teaching Programs.

XJTU has adhered to student-oriented and result-oriented approaches and promoted the academic building and program application of its virtual simulation experimental teaching to further deepen the integration of information technology with experimental teaching and facilitate the application and inclusiveness of high-quality educational resources.

Furthermore, it has provided its schools and departments with professional guidance in the selection of candidate courses, allocated special funds for relevant academic advancing, and briefed application teams on the latest policies and rules concerning the application for virtual and simulation experimental teaching programs over the past few years.

XJTU said it will press ahead with its efforts to advance the academic building of virtual and simulation experimental teaching courses and other similar courses, further raise the quality and level of its experimental teaching, enhance the quality of its higher education by developing experimental teaching, and make greater contributions to the building of China as a leading nation in higher education.