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XJTU researchers achieve bi-directional control in spin dynamics

November 13, 2017
  L M S


Recently, XJTU Prof. Liu Ming from the School of Electronic and Information Engineering became the first to utilize an electric field in controlling the double-magneton scattering effect which commonly exists in ferro magnetic material systems. Since a change in the special symmetry of an excitation source would affect the scattering intensity, voltage was applied to achieve a bi-directional control of the double-magneton scattering effect from strong to week and vice versa. Therefore, this has laid the foundation for development of new magneto electrical spin-based devices. The research result was adopted to study the characteristic of the double-magneton scattering effect under varied strain modes through an electron paramagnetic resonance technique in extended multiferroic hetero structures. A bi-directional regulation of magnetic anisotropy from -347 Oe to 464 Oe was observed. In particular, at the critical angle of 173 K and double-magnetonscattering, the magnetoelectric coupling induced by the double-magneton scattering is estimated to be 573% higher than the traditional value. The bi-directional regulation to the double-magneton scattering at room temperature was -10.4-11.1%, while it reached -23.6-11.2% at 173K. This shows a promise for the development of the next-generation’s voltage-regulatable spin electronics, such as RF / microwave devices and spin-wave logic devices.

The above results have been published online in ACSNano(IF = 13.942), a well-known journal in the field of materials science. XJTU professors and doctoral students authored the paper as the lead authors.