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Delegation visits to enhance XJTU's international cooperation

October 13, 2021
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Relevant persons in charge of the Department of International Cooperation & Exchanges and the School of International Education of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) and representatives of international students attend the meeting. 

Giuseppe Crocetti, chief of mission in China of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and 10 officials from the Delegation of the European Union to China visited Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) on October 12.

Crocetti said the visit was conducted under the framework of "EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project". He emphasized the importance of population mobility, especially for science and technology personnel and students, under the current international situation. 

He said he also hoped to learn more about the life and studies of international students in China and looks forward to further communication and cooperation with XJTU. 

Lin Zhaonan, director in charge of international cooperation at the National Immigration Administration, said the Chinese government is always committed to promoting global talent exchanges with an open and inclusive attitude.

Lin praised XJTU for its long-standing history and excellent teaching achievements and said he hoped this meeting would build a bridge for cooperation between XJTU and universities from EU countries.

Cheng Jin, a member of the CPC XJTU Standing Committee and director of the XJTU Publicity Department, welcomed the guests and expressed thanks to the national ministries and relevant provincial and municipal departments that have supported the development of the university

He briefed the visitors on the school's history, including its relocation to Xi'an, its international cooperation and the construction of iHarbour. Cheng said in the new international situation, the school will be more open-minded when carrying out international communication and strive to build win-win cooperation partnerships with overseas partners.

Officials responsible for exit and entry management at the provincial and municipal levels attended the meeting and introduced services for foreigners, including favorable policies and convenient measures provided for them during the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control period.

He Changzhong, director of the XJTU Department of International Cooperation and Wen Guangrui, head of the School of International Education, explained the current situation for foreign teachers and international students at school.

Representatives of international students shared stories about their studies and lives in school and had exchanges with the guests.