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XJTU kicks off symposium on global governance

July 04, 2022
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Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) held an academic symposium on global governance from July 2 to 3. Scholars from more than 20 Chinese world-class universities and 50 influenced journals attended on site, with over 500 experts attending via video link.


Xi Guang, vice-president of Xi'an Jiaotong University, delivers a speech via video link.

In his speech, XJTU Vice-President Xi Guang encouraged experts to furnish new knowledge for China's discipline construction on global governance, international relations, and country and regional studies. 

The university initiated the University Alliance of the Silk Road in 2015 to provide intellectual support for China's participation in global governance, as well as for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Focusing on global governance, international relations, and country and regional studies, two keynote speeches, three parallel forums and one journal forum were held during the symposium.

The symposium is an annual academic event planned by the university's Center for Asia-Europe Studies. It has strengthened the exchanges and mutual learning among scholars and substantiated the international influence of XJTU.


Domestic scholars gather on the cloud.