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XJTU prof wins IEEE SMC Early Career Award

October 06, 2023
  L M S


Professor Shen Chao.

Professor Shen Chao of the Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) became the sole recipient of the 2023 the IEEE SMC Early Career Award for his significant contributions to theory and industrial applications of intelligent system control and security by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (IEEE SMC) on Oct 3.

IEEE SMC is one of the oldest and largest IEEE societies, with a strong focus on artificial intelligence, systems science and engineering, and the application of autonomous and unmanned systems.

In order to recognize scholars who have made outstanding research contributions in the fields of artificial intelligence, human-machine systems, systems science, and industrial applications, the IEEE SMC has established the Early Career Award, which selects only one winner annually from candidates worldwide.

Professor Shen has been engaged in theoretical and applied research in intelligent system control, security, and adversarial studies. He has achieved internationally-influential research outcomes in intelligent aspects, control, security, testing, and other areas of human-machine systems, as well as published over 100 papers in international academic journals and conferences.

He played a pioneering role as the inaugural chairman in establishing the IEEE Xi'an Section, SMC and CS Joint Chapter. Additionally, he serves as an Associate Editor for more than 10 authoritative international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.

He also holds positions such as the deputy director of the Organizing Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence.