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China-Central Asia Joint Research Center for Rule of Law unveiled in Kazakhstan

May 20, 2024
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Representatives from XJTU and KAZNU attend the unveiling ceremony for the center.

The China-Central Asia Joint Research Center for Rule of Law, established by Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KAZNU), was officially inaugurated at KAZNU on May 17. Hong Jun, vice-president of XJTU, and Zhanseit Tuimebayev, rector of KAZNU, unveiled the center together.

The center is a significant initiative by the two universities to implement the spirit of the China-Central Asia Summit and serve the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. It will facilitate faculty and student exchanges, bilateral academic activities, collaborative research projects, shared academic resources, and foreign legal identification.

At the ceremony, Professor Sophiya's latest work, Models and Implementation of China's Foreign Policy in the 21st Century, was officially released as the newest research achievement of the China-Central Asia Joint Research Center for Rule of Law. The book was published in March 2024 by R. Valent Publishing House in Moscow, Russia. It was co-authored by Professor Dubkova Olga from Xi'an International Studies University.


The book launch ceremony.

Professor Ushurova Sophiya is a professor at XJTU's Institute of Belt and Road and International Law and the Chinese director of the China-Central Asia Joint Research Center for Rule of Law. She was also bestowed with the KAZNU Honorary Medal during the event.


Professor Sophiya is awarded the KAZNU Honorary Medal.