The regulatory mechanism of mitochondria in osteoblast differentiation process revealed
March 14, 2018
Their research discovered that the process of osteoblast differentiation is accompanied with significantly decreased level of the stress response of mitochondria to oxidation and the specific activation of SOD2.
XJTU researcher published latest findings on top international journal
March 12, 2018
Through the new method, new findings were obtained, which will provide guidance to the application and modification of this scale.
Major progress on DNA assembly and catalytic amplification in living cells
March 07, 2018
Recently, Professor Zhao Yongxi's research team at the School of Life Science and Technology of XJTU designed and fabricated a MnO2 nanosheet/DNAzyme (nanozyme) system for improving the assembly efficiency and catalytic activity of DNAzyme so as to realize the intracellular signal amplification of DNA circuit.
The number of research articles by XJTU researchers increased substantially in 2016
March 02, 2018
Recently, the ISTIC (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China) released its 2016 report of China scientific and technological papers in the Beijing International Convention Center.
XJTU scholars publish on Chemical Reviews
January 24, 2018
Recently, researchers of the Biomedical Engineering and Biomechanics Center (simplified as BEBC, http://bebc.xjtu.edu.cn) from the School of Life Science and Technology of XJTU were invited to write a review for the online journal Chemical Reviews(Impact Factor 47.928).
Virulence gene of antithyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis in Northern Han Chinese found
January 22, 2018
Recently, Dr. He Yayi from the Department of Endocrinology of the First Affiliated Hospital of XJTU published her research paper on the journal Scientific Reportsentitled "Association of HLA-B and HLADRB1polymorphisms with antithyroid drug-induced agranulocytosis in a Han population from northern China".
XJTU student publishes article in an international journal
January 19, 2018
Recently, undergraduate student Wang Jiayun from the School of Microelectronics of XJTU found that using adaptive margin strategy is more appropriate for dynamically adjusting the learning objectives of the deep convolutional neural network model to match the dynamic characteristic space for study.
XJTU researchers synthesize a new carbon allotrope——T-carbon
January 14, 2018
Recently, XJTU researcher Zhang Jinying and his team members from the Center of Nanomaterials for Renewable Energy of the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment of the School of Electrical Engineering have successfully synthesized a previously predicted but experimentally unobserved carbon allotrope, T-carbon.