XJTU Renewed its CPSF funding record
July 09, 2015
According to the China Postdoctoral Science Fund guidelines, the postdoctoral fund for special programs is open for application once annually, with an offer of 150,000 yuan per applicant.
Professor Wu Kun was elected ISIS vice chairman
July 08, 2015
The first International Information Science Summit was held recently at Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
The Publishment of a Paper of School of Electronic and Information Engineering in Laser &Photonics Reviews, a World-Class Periodical in Optical Field
April 07, 2015
The research result is of great scientific significance to therealization of a new "light modulator, photodiode and optical calculation."
A PhD Student from School of Science Publishes a Paper in an Authoritative Periodical, the Advanced Functional Materials
March 31, 2015
The factor of influence of this periodical in 2014 was 10.439.
Doctoral Student from the First Affiliated Hospital of XJTU Published His Research on Nature Medicine Online
March 25, 2015
This magazine is one ofthe top medical journals subordinated under Nature, and originalarticles published on this magazine are no more than 60 every year.
Doctoral Student in Frontier Institute of Science and Technology Got Her Latest Achievement Published on ACS Nano, the Authoritative Journal of Nanomaterials
March 18, 2015
The research found that twin structure could be formed on the mono-crystal surface with the introduction of high lattice mismatch between two metals.
Paper of CAMP-Nano Published at Geology, the Top Journal of Earth Science
March 09, 2015
The stress relief produced when earthquake strikes has always been one of the research hotspots in seismology, engineering, structural geology, mineral physics and some other disciplines.
Professor Cheng Hai was elected Geochemistry Fellow
February 27, 2015
Recently, the list of Geochemistry Fellow in 2015 was announced by the Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry.